Insights at a Glance


The HR Journey: Beyond Social to Cognitive

Insight #1:  If you believe the current cloud projects you are working on or imagining are finally going to solve your data and experience challenges, you will probably be disappointed. The reality is that you are just moving the problem from being on premise to the cloud. The underlying disparities between platforms will still exist and will frustrate your employees.

Insight #2:  You need to imagine the world as a multi-cloud universe.  How are you going to deliver exceptional employee experiences when the underlying systems and solutions are still fragmented?

Insight #3:  We are in the era of HR 3.0.  In HR 1.0 it was about managing personnel.  HR 2.0 was about COEs and HR Business Partners.  HR 3.0 is about enabling your Human Capital whether they are your employees or they are in the gig economy.  This digital enablement is the Cognitive Enterprise embodied in HR 3.0. More to come on this in my next post.  

Insight #4:  Integrate platform thinking as a way to become agile and focus on the employee experience.  Deconstruct the way you think about your business into small, well defined business solutions – think micro services.  Build teams around those solutions with the team owning the technology and the business process.  Provide a well articulated charter and then let them serve their customers.  Use real-time dashboards to understand the impact of what you are doing.

The New HR Model: HR 3.0

Insight #1:  Most organizations are still in a HR 2.0 mindset while the world is shifting to Industrial Revolution 4.0; at the very least HR should be moving to a 3.0 solution.  HR needs to close this gap quickly.

Insight #2:  Teams and networks are the future within your organization.  So many organizations say they want to be agile, yet cling to a HR 2.0 mindset that is anything but agile.

Insight #3:  HR 3.0 requires a mindset shift from managing and controlling to one that is about enablement with a focus on employee experience.  When an organization looks at their current Talent Management value chain through the lens of enablement and experience, they can immediately see a variety of opportunities to start moving to HR 3.0.

From Knowledge to Insights

Insight #1:  If you are focused on knowledge management you are stuck in a mental model that is anchored around 20th Century thinking.  What is needed today are insights.

Insight #2:  Solutions to curate insights have emerged.  Insights are fuel to power your innovation and learning.

Insight #3:  Microsoft teams is a disruptive technology that is part of Office 365.  It will change the mental models we have in how work gets done and the impact on knowledge and learning.

Learning: A New Model built on Microsoft Teams

Insight #1:  In a world where agility and speed are a business necessity, doing learning outside of the flow of work, with the exception of some strategic or focused macro learning events or personal development, is a losing proposition.

Insight #2:  The role of the learning organization is switching from a management centric model to a balance of management (think mandatory training) and enablement.  

Insight #3:  Microsoft Office 365 was built for collaboration but its real impact will be on learning and providing the tools and infrastructure to really make an organization a learning organization.  

Insight #4:  Most implementations of O365 are happening within IT without involvement of Learning and Talent leaders.  Learning needs to be at the table with IT on this to provide inputs on the many decision points that accompany an O365 rollout otherwise value may be inadvertently lost.

Becoming Digital; Beyond The Hype and Building Skills

Insight #1:  Make sure your IT organization today has the right skills.  Focus on giving them access to the learning and development that allows them to keep their skills relevant.  Once you have a solution for the IT organization (think Pluralsight or something similar) then focus on extending that solution across the entire company.  This is important and frequently missed.

Insight #2:  Knowledge and skills within IT are varied.  Create the foundation for knowledge sharing within IT.  This will upskill everyone to the best you have today.

Insight #3:  Consider all of your employees to be part of an internal talent market.  Knock down internal barriers that prevents talent from flowing to where they are most needed.  Forward thinking organizations allow everyone to upskill and nominate themselves for projects and opportunities.  Talent should flow internally to where it is most needed; regardless of where they sit on an org chart.  

Insight #4:  Re-think the value proposition of hiring large numbers of new engineers and developers as your only solution.  If talent acquisition spends upwards of $12K to source a new developer and your IT org needs 1,000 developers that’s $12 million.  What is the cost of reskilling internal talent and becoming a leader in building new talent and skills?  In many cases much less than a large-scale sourcing activity in the open market.  

Innovation and 21st Century Skills

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